160/264 On October 3, 2017, after giving effect to the Share Split, our shareholders authorized the issuance of up to 1,400,000,000 beneficiary certificates to shareholders of the Company without reserving to our existing shareholders a preemptive right to subscribe for the beneficiary certificates issued in the future. Our beneficiary certificates may be issued at a ratio of between one and 20 beneficiary certificates per ordinary share as determined by our board of directors or its delegate at the time of issuance. We have issued ten beneficiary certificates per ordinary share held of record (excluding warrants, options, and RSUs, as applicable) to entities beneficially owned by our founders, Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon, for a total of 379,201,200 beneficiary certificates. The beneficiary certificates carry no economic rights and are issued to provide the holders of such certificates additional voting rights. Each beneficiary certificate entitles its holder to one vote. The beneficiary certificates, subject to certain exceptions, are non­transferable and shall be automatically canceled for no consideration in the case of sale or transfer of the ordinary share to which they are linked. Additionally, our articles of association state that all the beneficiary certificates shall be automatically canceled if the number of ordinary shares held by our founders, in the aggregate, falls under 7,564,400 ordinary shares. Articles of Association We are registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies’ Register under number B.123.052. Our corporate purpose, as stated in Article 3 of our articles of association, is the acquisition and holding of direct or indirect interests in Luxembourg and/or in foreign undertakings, as well as the administration, development, and management of our holdings. We may provide any financial assistance to subsidiaries, affiliated companies, or other companies forming part of the group of which we belong, including, but not limited to, the providing of loans and the granting of guarantees or securities in any kind or form. We also may use our funds to invest in real estate, intellectual property rights, or any other movable or immovable assets in any kind or form. We may borrow in any kind or form and privately issue bonds or notes. In general, we may carry out any commercial, industrial, or financial operation that we may deem useful in the accomplishment and development of our purposes. Issuance of Ordinary Shares and Preemptive Rights Pursuant to Luxembourg law, the issuance of our ordinary shares requires approval by a quorum of the general meeting of shareholders, and a majority is required for the amendment of articles of association. The general meeting of shareholders may approve an authorized share capital and authorize the board of directors to issue ordinary shares up to the maximum amount of such authorized share capital for a maximum period of five years after the date that the minutes of the relevant general meeting approving such authorization are published in the Luxembourg official gazette ( Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations , or Recueil électronique des Sociétés et Associations , as applicable). The general meeting may amend, renew, or extend such authorized share capital and such authorization to the board of directors to issue ordinary shares. Our articles of association will provide that no fractional ordinary shares shall be issued. The board of directors resolve on the issuance of ordinary shares out of the authorized share capital ( capital autorisé ) in accordance with the quorum and voting thresholds set forth in the articles of association. The board of directors also resolve on the applicable procedures and timelines to which such issuance will be subjected. If the proposal of the board of directors to issue new ordinary shares exceeds the limits of our authorized share capital, the board of directors must then convene the shareholders to an extraordinary general meeting to be held in the presence of a Luxembourg notary for the purpose of increasing the issued share capital. Such meeting will be subject to the quorum and majority requirements required for amending the articles of association. If the capital call proposed by the board of directors consists of an increase in the shareholders’ commitments, the board of directors must convene the shareholders to an extraordinary general meeting to be held in the presence of a Luxembourg notary for such purpose. Such meeting will be subject to the unanimous consent of the shareholders. Under Luxembourg law, existing shareholders benefit from a preemptive subscription right on the issuance of ordinary shares for cash consideration. However, our shareholders have, in accordance with Luxembourg law, 153

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