161/264 authorized the board of directors to suppress, waive, or limit any preemptive subscription rights of shareholders provided by law to the extent that the board of directors deems such suppression, waiver, or limitation advisable for any issuance or issuances of ordinary shares within the scope of our authorized share capital. The general meeting of shareholders duly convened to consider an amendment to the articles of association also may, by twothirds majority vote, limit, waive, or cancel such preemptive rights or renew, amend, or extend them, in each case for a period not to exceed five years. Such ordinary shares may be issued above, at, or below market value, but in any event not below the nominal value or below the accounting par value per ordinary share. The ordinary shares also may be issued by way of incorporation of available reserves, including share premium. Repurchase of Ordinary Shares Spotify Technology S.A. cannot subscribe for its own ordinary shares. Spotify Technology S.A. may, however, repurchase issued ordinary shares or have another person repurchase issued ordinary shares for its account, subject to the following conditions: • prior authorization by a simple majority vote at an ordinary general meeting of shareholders, which authorization sets forth: • the terms and conditions of the proposed repurchase and in particular the maximum number of ordinary shares to be repurchased; • the duration of the period for which the authorization is given, which may not exceed five years; and • in the case of repurchase for consideration, the minimum and maximum consideration per share, provided that the prior authorization shall not apply in the case of ordinary shares acquired by either Spotify Technology S.A., or by a person acting in his or her own name on its behalf, for the distribution thereof to its staff or to the staff of a company with which it is in a control relationship; • only fully paidup ordinary shares may be repurchased; • the voting and dividend rights attached to the repurchased shares will be suspended as long as the repurchased ordinary shares are held by Spotify Technology S.A.; and • the acquisition offer must be made on the same terms and conditions to all the shareholders who are in the same position, except for acquisitions which were unanimously decided by a general meeting at which all the shareholders were present or represented. In addition, listed companies may repurchase their own shares on the stock exchange without an acquisition offer having to be made to our shareholders. The authorization will be valid for a period ending on the earlier of five years from the date of such shareholder authorization and the date of its renewal by a subsequent general meeting of shareholders. Pursuant to such authorization, the board of directors is authorized to acquire and sell Spotify Technology S.A.’s ordinary shares under the conditions set forth in Article 492 of the Luxembourg Company Law. Such purchases and sales may be carried out for any authorized purpose or any purpose that is authorized by the laws and regulations in force. The purchase price per ordinary share to be determined by the board of directors or its delegate shall represent (i) not less than the par value, and (ii) not more than the fair market value of such ordinary share. In addition, pursuant to Luxembourg law, Spotify Technology S.A. may directly or indirectly repurchase ordinary shares by resolution of its board of directors without the prior approval of the general meeting of shareholders if such repurchase is deemed by the board of directors to be necessary to prevent serious and imminent harm to Spotify Technology S.A., or if the acquisition of ordinary shares has been made with the intent of distribution to its employees and/or the employees of any entity having a controlling relationship with it (i.e., its subsidiaries or controlling shareholder). 154