180/264 Under the participation exemption regime, a qualified shareholding held by the Company in a Qualified Subsidiary is exempt for net wealth tax purposes. As from January 1, 2016, a minimum net wealth tax (“MNWT”) is levied on companies having their statutory seat or central administration in Luxembourg. For entities for which the sum of fixed financial assets, receivables against related companies, transferable securities and cash at bank exceeds 90% of their total balance sheet and €350,000, the MNWT is set at €4,815. For all other companies having their statutory seat or central administration in Luxembourg which do not fall within the scope of the €4,815 MNWT, the MNWT ranges from €535 to €32,100, depending on the Company’s total balance sheet. Other Taxes The issuance of our ordinary shares and any other amendment of our articles of association are currently subject to a €75 fixed registration duty. The disposal of our ordinary shares is not subject to a Luxembourg registration tax or stamp duty, unless recorded in a Luxembourg notarial deed or otherwise registered in Luxembourg. Taxation of the Holders of Ordinary Shares Luxembourg Tax Residency of the Holders of Our Ordinary Shares A holder of our ordinary shares will not become resident, nor be deemed to be resident, in Luxembourg by reason only of the holding and/or disposing of our ordinary shares or the execution, performance, or enforcement of his/her rights thereunder. Income Tax—Luxembourg Resident Holders Luxembourg Individual Residents . Dividends and other payments derived from our ordinary shares by resident individual holders of our ordinary shares, who act in the course of the management of either their private wealth or their professional or business activity, are subject to income tax at the ordinary progressive rates. A tax credit is generally granted for withholding taxes levied at source within the limit of the tax payable in Luxembourg on such income, whereby any excess withholding tax is not refundable. 50% of the gross amount of dividends received from the Company by resident individual holders of our ordinary shares are exempt from income tax. Capital gains realized on the disposal of our ordinary shares by resident individual holders of our ordinary shares, who act in the course of the management of their private wealth, are not subject to income tax, unless said capital gains qualify either as speculative gains or as gains on a substantial participation. Capital gains are deemed to be speculative and are subject to income tax at ordinary rates if our ordinary shares are disposed of within six months after their acquisition or if their disposal precedes their acquisition. Speculative gains are subject to income tax as miscellaneous income at ordinary rates. A participation is deemed to be substantial where a resident individual holder of our ordinary shares holds or has held, either alone or together with his/her spouse or partner and/or minor children, directly or indirectly at any time within the five years preceding the disposal, more than 10% of the share capital of the Company whose ordinary shares are being disposed of. A holder of our ordinary shares also is deemed to alienate a substantial participation if he acquired free of charge, within the five years preceding the transfer, a participation that was constituting a substantial participation in the hands of the alienator (or the alienators in case of successive transfers free of charge within the same fiveyear period). Capital gains realized on a substantial participation more than six months after the acquisition thereof are taxed according to the halfglobal rate method, (i.e., the average rate applicable to the total income is calculated according to progressive income tax rates and half of the average rate is applied to the capital gains realized on the substantial participation). A disposal may include a sale, an exchange, a contribution or any other kind of alienation of the participation. 173