196/264 Consolidated statement of operations for the year ended December 31 (in € millions, except share and per share data) Note 2015 2016 2017 Revenue 4 1,940 2,952 4,090 Cost of revenue 1,714 2,551 3,241 Gross profit 226 401 849 Research and development 136 207 396 Sales and marketing 219 368 567 General and administrative 106 175 264 461 750 1,227 Operating loss (235 ) (349 ) (378 ) Finance income 9 36 152 118 Finance costs 9 (26 ) (336 ) (974 ) Share in (losses)/earnings of associates and joint ventures — (2 ) 1 Finance income/(costs) net 10 (186 ) (855 ) Loss before tax (225 ) (535 ) (1,233 ) Income tax expense 10 5 4 2 Net loss attributable to owners of the parent (230 ) (539 ) (1,235 ) Net loss per share attributable to owners of the parent Basic and diluted 11 (1.62 ) (3.63 ) (8.14 ) Weightedaverage ordinary shares outstanding Basic and diluted 11 141,946,600 148,368,720 151,668,769 Pro forma net loss per share attributable to owners of the parent (unaudited) Basic and diluted 11 (4.28 ) Pro forma weightedaverage ordinary shares outstanding (unaudited) Basic and diluted 11 166,146,849 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. F3