51/264 may undertake for their own accounts, may have the effect of preventing a decline in the market price of shares. Given that there will be no underwriters’ option to purchase additional shares or otherwise underwriters in engaging in stabilizing transactions, there could be greater volatility in the public price of our ordinary shares during the period immediately following the listing. See also “—The public price of our ordinary shares may be volatile, and could, upon listing on the NYSE, decline significantly and rapidly.” • There is not a fixed number of securities available for sale. Therefore, there can be no assurance that any Registered Shareholders or other existing shareholders will sell any or all of their ordinary shares and there may initially be a lack of supply of, or demand for, ordinary shares on the NYSE. Alternatively, we may have a large number of Registered Shareholders or other existing shareholders who choose to sell their ordinary shares in the near­term resulting in oversupply of our ordinary shares, which could adversely impact the public price of our ordinary shares once listed on the NYSE. • None of our Registered Shareholders or other existing shareholders have entered into contractual lock­up agreements or other contractual restrictions on transfer, except for TME and Tencent. In an underwritten initial public offering, it is customary for an issuer’s officers, directors, and most of its other shareholders to enter into a 180 day contractual lock­up arrangement with the underwriters to help promote orderly trading immediately after listing. Consequently, any of our shareholders, including our directors and officers who own our ordinary shares and other significant shareholders, may sell any or all of their ordinary shares at any time (subject to any restrictions under applicable law), including immediately upon listing. If such sales were to occur in a significant quantum, it may result in an oversupply of our ordinary shares in the market, which could adversely impact the public price of our ordinary shares. See “—With the exception of TME and Tencent, none of our shareholders are party to any contractual lock­up agreement or other contractual restrictions on transfer. Sales of substantial amounts of our ordinary shares in the public markets by our founders, affiliates, or non­affiliates, or the perception that such sales might occur, could reduce the price that our ordinary shares might otherwise attain and may dilute your voting power and your ownership interest in us.” • We will not conduct a traditional “roadshow” with underwriters prior to the opening of trading on the NYSE. Instead, we intend to host an investor day, as well as engage in certain other investor education meetings. In advance of the investor day, we will announce the date for such day over financial news outlets in a manner consistent with typical corporate outreach to investors. We will prepare an electronic presentation for this investor day, which will have content similar to a traditional roadshow presentation, and make one version of the presentation publicly available, without restriction, on a website. There can be no guarantees that the investor day and other investor education meetings will have the same impact on investor education as a traditional “roadshow” conducted in connection with an underwritten initial public offering. As a result, there may not be efficient price discovery with respect to our ordinary shares or sufficient demand among investors immediately after our listing, which could result in a more volatile public price of our ordinary shares. Such differences from an underwritten initial public offering could result in a volatile market price for our ordinary shares and uncertain trading volume and may adversely affect your ability to sell your ordinary shares. The public price of our ordinary shares, upon listing on the NYSE, may have little or no relationship to the historical sales prices of our ordinary shares in private transactions. Prior to listing on the NYSE, there has been no public market for our ordinary shares. In the section titled “Sale Price History of Ordinary Shares,” we have provided the historical sales prices of our ordinary shares in private transactions. However, this information may have little or no relation to broader market demand for our ordinary shares and thus the initial public price of our ordinary shares on the NYSE once trading begins. As a result, you should not place undue reliance on these historical sales prices as they may differ materially from the opening public prices and subsequent public prices of our ordinary shares on the NYSE. For more information about how the initial listing price on the NYSE will be determined, see “Plan of Distribution.” 44

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