182/264 shares who has been a former Luxembourg resident for more than 15 years and has become a non­resident, at the time of transfer, less than five years ago. A participation is deemed to be substantial where a shareholder holds or has held, either alone or, in case of an individual shareholder, together with his/her spouse or partner and/or minor children, directly or indirectly at any time within the five years preceding the disposal, more than 10% of the share capital of the Company whose ordinary shares are being disposed of. A shareholder also is deemed to alienate a substantial participation if he acquired free of charge, within the five years preceding the transfer, a participation that was constituting a substantial participation in the hands of the alienator (or the alienators in case of successive transfers free of charge within the same five­year period). If the Company and a U.S. relevant holder are eligible for the benefits of the Treaty, such U.S. relevant holder generally should not be subject to Luxembourg tax on the gain from the disposal of such ordinary shares unless such gain is attributable to a permanent establishment of such U.S. relevant holder in Luxembourg. Non­resident holders of our ordinary shares which have a permanent establishment or a permanent representative in Luxembourg to which or whom our ordinary shares are attributable, must include any income received, as well as any gain realized, on the sale, disposal or redemption of our ordinary shares, in their taxable income for Luxembourg tax assessment purposes, unless the conditions of the participation exemption regime, as described below, are satisfied. If the conditions of the participation exemption regime are not fulfilled, 50% of the gross amount of dividends received by a Luxembourg permanent establishment or permanent representative may be, however, exempt from income tax. Taxable gains are determined as the difference between the price for which the ordinary shares have been disposed of and the lower of their cost or book value. Under the participation exemption regime (subject to relevant anti­abuse rules), dividends derived from our ordinary shares may be exempt from income tax if cumulatively (i) our ordinary shares are attributable to a qualified permanent establishment (“Qualified Permanent Establishment”), and (ii) at the time the dividend is put at the disposal of the Qualified Permanent Establishment, it has held or commits itself to hold a Qualified Shareholding for an uninterrupted period of at least 12 months. A Qualified Permanent Establishment means (i) a Luxembourg permanent establishment of a company covered by Article 2 of the EU Parent­Subsidiary Directive, (ii) a Luxembourg permanent establishment of a company limited by share capital ( société de capitaux) resident in a State having a tax treaty with Luxembourg, and (iii) a Luxembourg permanent establishment of a company limited by share capital ( société de capitaux ) or a cooperative society ( société coopérative ) resident in the European Economic Area other than a EU member state. Liquidation proceeds are assimilated to a received dividend and may be exempt under the same conditions. Ordinary shares held through a tax transparent entity are considered as being a direct participation proportionally to the percentage held in the net assets of the transparent entity. Under the participation exemption regime, capital gains realized on our ordinary shares may be exempt from income tax if (i) our ordinary shares are attributable to a Qualified Permanent Establishment, and (ii) at the time the capital gain is realized, the Qualified Permanent Establishment has held or commits itself to hold, for an uninterrupted period of at least 12 months, our ordinary shares representing a direct participation in the share capital of the Company of at least 10% or a direct participation in the Company of an acquisition price of at least €6 million (or an equivalent amount in another currency). Taxable gains are determined as the difference between the price for which our ordinary shares have been disposed of and the lower of their cost or book value. Net Wealth Tax Luxembourg resident holders of our ordinary shares, as well as non­resident holders of our ordinary shares who have a permanent establishment or a permanent representative in Luxembourg to which or whom our ordinary shares are attributable, are subject to Luxembourg NWT on our ordinary shares, except if the holder is (i) a resident or non­resident individual taxpayer, (ii) a securitization company governed by the amended law of March 22, 2004 on securitization, (iii) a company governed by the amended law of June 15, 2004 on venture capital vehicles, (iv) a professional pension institution governed by the amended law of July 13, 2005, (v) a 175

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