120/264 Our Ad­Supported Service has grown from €295 million in revenue in 2016 to €416 million in revenue in 2017, representing an increase of 41%. The gross margins in our Ad­Supported segment also have improved over the years, as the cost of revenue of this business has decreased from 109% in 2016 to 90% of revenue in 2017. Technology innovation and data mining are at the heart of our Ad­Supported Service. From a technology perspective, we continue to innovate to provide new products for advertisers. We pioneered programmatic audio and have been investing in programmatic advertising since 2015. Programmatic accounted for 18% of total Ad­Supported revenue across our platform, growing 100% from 2016. Additionally, our recently launched Ad Studio product will increase automation, further allowing both large and small advertisers to utilize our growing self­serve platform. Our ability to harness our data allows us to know our Users. We believe we understand people through music, their mood, mindset, activities, and tastes, and we can serve them relevant advertising catered specifically to them. Our advertising platform is continually moving toward a holistic people­ based marketing approach that is better for both our Users and our advertisers. There are over 150 billion events logged daily on our Service, helping us learn how best to serve our Users and advertisers. With this level of first­party data, we are able to use our advanced algorithms to help advertisers serve highly targeted programs to specific Users and audiences. As of December 31, 2017, we believe our 159 million MAUs in 61 countries and territories provide advertisers with an attractive and scaled audience. A large percentage of our Ad­Supported Users are between 18 and 34 years old. This is a highly sought­after audience that has traditionally been difficult for advertisers to reach via other channels. Furthermore, our User base is highly engaged, providing first­party anonymized data that is valuable to advertisers. MAUs by Age Demographic MAUs by Region By offering advertisers increased “self­serve options,” in which they are able to choose their target audiences and demographics, we also are improving the efficiency and scalability of our advertising platform. This option helps improve our margins, as well as our advertising partners’ return on investment. Video products, including mobile video, provide us with additional avenues for more visual advertising which we believe will further strengthen our advertising business, since this is an increasingly popular medium for our advertising partners and the brands they represent. Creator Services The creator services team is responsible for enhancing the growth and success of the creator community through various functions by focusing on audience development, strategy, talent, live events, fan initiatives, and artist marketing. At the core of creator services are fundamental and trusted relationships with artists, 113

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